Please select the appropriate Color. The handlebar tapes are available in all saddle colors, with the exception of Black natural leather color.
* Reference Color palette table is available here.
Please select the appropriate Color. The handlebar tapes are available in all saddle colors, with the exception of Black natural leather color.
* Reference Color palette table is available here.
It is made from the same material as our padding cover material to provide the best possible match. You can of course also pick a color that is different to the color of your saddle.
The handlebar tape is made out of synthetic material, it is a thinner tape that provides direct contact with your handlebar.
All saddles are available in multiple colors.
IMPORTANT: To prevent any saddle rail damage you have to use max. 5Nm on seatpost designs which can “cut” the saddle rails. AII clamping mechanisms where the upper and lower part aren’t at the same area can only use 5Nm.
IMPORTANT: Seatpost designs which clamp the saddle rails from both sides at the same area (also one-bolt systems) can use up to 12Nm.